About Me

My Trainings & Education

I have been a pediatric nurse practitioner since 2003. We were an Air Force family and moved a lot, every couple years until my husband retired. Most of my years have been in Pediatric Primary Care, but I also have years of experiences in wound and ostomy, pediatric neurosurgery & gastroenterology. I went to Baker University (1997) for my nursing degree, Saint Louis University (2003) for my pediatric nurse practitioner degree and Emory University (2015) for my wound and ostomy certification. In 2021, I started back for additional education. I am a certified Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) practitioner. June 2022, I completed Gillespie Approach Craniosacral Fascial Therapy training. June 2024, I successfully completed the GAPS (Gut and Physiology Syndrome) Practitioner course. This coursework gave me an in depth study on how food and various toxins affect us, and how true gut healing can happen using foods and gentle detox principles. I am excited to share all this knowledge with the people the Lord brings my way. Gut healing is not quick or easy and cannot be fixed with supplements alone, but it is possible when we can get poisons out of the way and get the healing foods in, the body can heal! We were divinely created to heal.

My Unique Approach & My Practice

My goal is to provide individualized and holistic care to the people I serve. I’m excited to offer guidance to people who are ready for a change and feel they are ready to do the work required.

Your “family medical history” does not HAVE to be YOUR medical history. Our genes set the stage, but our lifestyle choices are what pulls the trigger in many chronic health conditions. Think skin disorders, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementias, mental health concerns, mood disorders, autoimmune disorders, even some cancers. Our health and vitality or lack of it, largely stems from beneficial or abnormal/pathogenic microbes in our gut. Abnormal or pathogenic microbes put off many toxins that can damage our gut lining and this leads to a variety of symptoms. Beneficial microbes have numerous important processes they do for us. Another important factor to our health and vitality is what our genes are “bathed” in. Are your genes bathed in high quality nutrients, low stress levels, positive effects from exercise/movement, sunlight, nature and good sleep or are they bathed in toxic chemicals from what you eat & drink, various products you put on your body, physical chemical reactions from high stress, poor sleep and lack of exercise? Have you felt the benefits of sunlight on your skin, walking in nature/forests or grounding?

My Why…My Life & My Loves

My husband and I have been married since 2001 and have 3 children. After my husband retired from the Air Force, we wanted to live somewhere we could learn to grow our food. In 2016, we purchased our property south of Kansas City and have been learning all about growing our food (well…growing soil, so we can have healthy food) and living as healthy as possible. So much to learn!!! We have pasture raised cows for grass fed beef and milk, poultry for eggs and meat, an ever changing garden and a growing food forest. I am a Certified GAPS practitioner, teach GAPS classes and facilitate a local GAPS support group. I am also a member of Weston A. Price and involved with the local KC chapter. We love this life and feel very blessed to have this opportunity! Jesus Christ leads our life!!  

I see so much physical and emotional pain from situations that can be turned around, if people just could choose differently. I can’t make the choice for people, but I can give guidance and knowledge. Our health and wellbeing is a choice we have to choose. Much love!!!